Thursday, January 31, 2008

Velma's Journal--November 8, 1931

Received a letter from mother today. She said that fall in Saratoga has gone by slowly and has been especially cold. She has taken on additional time at the spa to bring in more money for the upcoming holiday, but the customers have been fewer and fewer. There was also a note saying that my father is proud of me for taking on a side job even with my studies. He has always been my biggest champion. If only he knew the people I were working for. If only I knew the people I were working for. Each one has seemed nice enough, but that speech from Mr. Rapalje seemed like nonsense talk. Perhaps these Lightkeepers have an inflated sense of purpose. Perhaps they’re a cult.

Mother also mentioned that she saw my good friend Darla Lowe at the grocery the other day and she mentioned her engagement to our classmate Douglas Bradley. The opportunity was taken by mother to remind me that a woman of my age should be concerned with finding a husband and raising a family. In my return letter, I will respond to her comment with only a note of congratulations to Darla. I doubt mother and I will ever see eye-to-eye as women.

After starting this job, I have been dreaming again. I am having trouble remembering whole dreams, but I know images have been racing about in my head. Perhaps I shouldn’t read so much before I sleep. Dottie says she never remembers her dreams. Of course, she never remembers most of her waking hours past 8 PM.

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